The Missinary Workers of the Immaculate Mary also known as the Donum Dei Sisters arrived in Kenya in 1994. They have just celebrated the 20th anniversary of affiliation to the Order of the Carmelites. Spread allover the world, the Missonary Workers have been growing in number and working tirelessly in promoting vocations through their formation house in Nairobi.
Fr. Marcel Roussel (Founder) believed that the earth is a big Nazareth of work, a divine Calvary and a glorious battle field where heaven and hell affront each other and where we wait the Man-God to appear one day in Victory. In their formation house in Nairobi, Kenya, the formators keep live these words of their founder. They put them in action as they try every day to bring close to Jesus those who live far from him. Their particular field is working with young women keeping the words of Jesus to the Samaritan woman:"If you knew the Gift of God..."!
At present, the sisters have different students who are undergoing their initial formation from different nations. This includes: Rwanda, Republic Democratic of Congo, Ethiopia, Kenya, Bukina Faso etc.
They are looking forward to establish a formation centre for young women who have no resources to upgrate their lives.